The Laboratory
New Zealand has a single tissue typing laboratory, located in Epsom, Auckland. Please bear courier times in mind when requesting tests.
- All details on the tube must be labeled at the patient's side, and ideally handlabelled.
- the following details are required:
- first name(s)
- surname
- NHI/hospital number and/or date of birth (both are preferable)
- Signature or initials of the person labeling the tube (must match declaration)
- The details must be written directly onto the tube.
- For the paediatric microtainer, which does not have a pre-affixed label,
a label with the handwritten details must be stuck on the tube.
A template label is available to assist you. This can only be used on the microtainer tube that does not already have a label.
 Tubes used in Tissue Typing testing
All Tissue Typing's request forms are downloadable here.
Type of tube
- A microtainer sample is only for blood from babies and small children.
- For all other patients, please send the adult-sized tubes as described on the back of the form.
Tests offered
- HLA typing, antibody screening, matching and crossmatching for haematopoietic cell transplantation
- HLA typing, antibody screening, matching and crossmatching for organ transplantation
- HLA and HPA typing, antibody screening and crossmatching for NAIT
- HLA and HPA typing and antibody screening for platelet refractoriness
- HLA-B27 for ankylosing spondylitis/ arthritis
- HLA-DQ2/DQ8 for coeliac disease gene screening
- HLA-DR15/DRB1*15 and HLA-DQ6/ DQB1*06:02 for narcolepsy
- HLA-A*29 for Birdshot Retinopathy
- HLA-B*51 for Behcet’s Disease
- HLA-B*57/ B*57:01 for abacavir sensitivity
- HLA-A*31:01 and HLA-B*15:02 for carbamazepine sensitivity
- HLA-B*58/B*58:01 for allopurinol sensitivity
The testing offered is ASHI and IANZ accredited.
All Tissue Typing's request forms are downloadable here.
Mandatory information:
- Addressograph (sticky label) or fully completed patient identifying details
- first name
- surname
- NHI/hospital number and/or date of birth (both are preferable)
- Name and signature of requesting practitioner (doctor or midwife)
- Date and time of collection
- The sample labeller must sign and date the Declaration. The signature must match the signature on the sample.
- Blood components/products and/or tests required
Highly desirable (but not mandatory):
- Relevant patient or donor history and details
- Patient's location
Sample validity |
Please note that samples for the monthly (solid organ) transplant tray are only valid for 96 hours after being collected.
Please bear this in mind when taking samples on Fridays or before long weekends. |
Unknown Patients
Where the patient's identity is unknown, an alternative reliable method of identification
must be used. As a minimum, a unique identifier (e.g. NHI or other Emergency number)
shall be present on the form and sample.
Tissue Typing Laboratory
For more details about NZBS's Tissue Typing laboratory, please see sample requirements for the particular tests.