- Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP): 180-340mL
- Paediatric FFP: 45-90mL (4 doses can be obtained from a single donation)
ABO & RhD Compatibility
- Plasma components should be ABO compatible as follows:
- a group O patient can receive FFP of any ABO group
- a group A patient can receive A or AB FFP
- a group B patient can receive B or AB FFP
- a group AB patient can receive only AB FFP
- No anti-D immunoglobulin need be given if Rh(D) negative patients receive Rh(D) positive FFP or cryoprecipitate.
- Although frozen plasma components may contain small amounts of red cell stroma, sensitisation following transfusion of Rh(D) positive units is most unlikely, as stroma is less immunogenic than intact red cells.
Therefore Cryoprecipitate of any Rh(D) type may be given regardless of the Rh(D) type of the recipient. Contact Blood Bank if you are not sure.
- Once thawed, must be stored in an appropriately monitored (2-6°C) blood refrigerator according to Blood Bank standards for up to 24 hours.
- Never store in a drug or food fridge.
- If the transfusion can not be started within 30 minutes, return the component to a blood refrigerator Bank immediately for appropriate storage.
- Blood Bank will only accept the unit back into stock if returned within 30 minutes of issue from Blood Bank.
- Once issued, Fresh Frozen Plasma should be transfused as soon as possible.
- Use a standard blood infusion set which has a 170-200 micron
- A single blood filter set can be used for the same product for a period of 8 hours, although flow rates may be reduced after 3-4 units. Note: The set MUST be changed between Red Cells and Platelets. (see policy document
- All fresh components, including FFP, are leucodepleted
at source by NZBS. No bedside leucodepletion is necessary.
- Approved infusion pump devices may be used.
Rate and Duration
- Paediatrics:
- in a non-bleeding patient: infuse at 10-20mL/kg/hr
- resuscitation: rapid infusion based on the patient's haemodynamics
- Adults:
- in a non-bleeding patient: most adults will tolerate one unit of FFP every 90 minutes. Consider a slower rate in patients with or at risk of congestive cardiac failure.
- resuscitation: rapid infusion based on the patient's haemodynamics
- Infusion of all components should be completed within 4 hours of leaving refrigerated storage.
Monitoring | |
- DO NOT add medication to FFP or
- DO NOT use 5% Dextrose solutions (may induce
- DO NOT use Lactated Ringer's or other balanced salt solutions that contain Calcium, as this may
induce clot formation in the blood bag and / or administration set.
Dose Calculator
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