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Ordering Immunoglobulin Products at Bay of Plenty

Effective from 14 December 2021, all requests for immunoglobulin product ( intravenous and subcutaneous) must have prior approval before the Blood Bank will issue it. Two systems will operate in parallel.
Acute Indications   Medium to Long term indications
Please complete the form below and send to the Transfusion Medicine Department in Tauranga or Whakatane hospital if you want to access Intragam P for a patient with an acute disease or for short-term treatment. This will include disorders such as:
  • Kawasaki’s disease
  • Guillian Barre syndrome
  • Immune mediated encephalitis
  • Immune thrombocytopenia with bleeding
The Scientists will contact the NZBS Transfusion Specialist who may contact you regarding the request. The approval process will not delay access to the product.
  Intravenous or subcutaneous immunoglobulin (Privigen NZ and Hizentra NZ) can be gained using the NZBS electronic Immunoglobulin IgO system. Users will need to register in order to use the system.
  • To register, click on the link below and then on Clinican Registration.
  • To submit an approval, login in and follow the instructions provided.
Immunoglobulin pre-approval form   IgO Online IVIG Approval