- All details on the tube must be hand labeled at the patient's side.
- the following details are required:
- first name(s)
- surname
- NHI/hospital number and date of birth
- Date (and preferably time) of collection on sample and/or form
- Signature or initials of the person labeling the tube (must match declaration)
- For the 6mL tube, the details must be written directly onto the tube.
- For the paediatric microtainer, which does not have a pre-affixed label,
a label with the handwritten details must be stuck on the tube.
A template label is available to assist you. This can only be used on the microtainer tube that does not already have a label.
Type of tube
- A microtainer sample is only for blood from babies and small children.
- Cord blood samples are not suitable for crossmatching due to the presence of Wharton's jelly.
- For all other patients, please send a 6mL EDTA tube (pink top).
- Addressograph (sticky label) or fully completed patient identifying details
- first name
- surname
- NHI/hospital number and date of birth
- Name and signature of requesting practitioner (doctor or midwife)
- Date (and preferably time) of collection on form and/or sample
- The sample labeller must sign and date the Declaration. The signature must match the signature on the sample.
- Blood components/products and/or tests required
Sample validity |
A group and screen sample is only valid for 72 hours unless the following information is provided:
- Confirmation that the patient has not been transfused in the last three months
- Confirmation that the patient has not been pregnant in the last three months
If the patient has not been pregnant or transfused in the last three months, the sample is valid for 7 days. Extended validity (up to 21 days) is available for elective surgery if a date of surgery is provided.
Unknown Patients
Where the patient's identity is unknown, an alternative reliable method of identification
must be used. As a minimum, a unique identifier (e.g. NHI or other Emergency number)
shall be present on the form and sample.
Serology Reference Laboratory
For samples requiring specialised testing at NZBS's Serology Reference laboratory, please see sample requirements for the particular tests.